Free Resource Guide & Important Parent Information
Navigating the Maze + Links to Important Resources on the Internet
Over the years, we have heard from many families who have told is that they wish they knew about various resources. We have spent years compiling a list of funding and grant opportunities so you don't have to search for them on your own. We are also providing you with some of the most important special education related websites. Knowledge is power!

"Navigating the Maze: - A Free Funding & Resource Guide
We have compiled this extremely valuable free guide to assist families with gaining access to information and resources. It has over 40 pages of various funding and grant opportunities, and we hope that you find the information helpful. When you click on the link below it will ask for your name and e-mail address. You will then be emailed a copy of the document. For your friends who are interested, please have them register here to be emailed their own copy. We periodically send everyone updated documents with new resources. Happy money hunting!

Education & Advocacy Links
Every parent should be familiar with the federal and state laws that impact their child's right to a free appropriate public education. Although it's not exactly leisure reading, it's one of the most important things that a parent can do, because it's empowering to understand why and how educational decisions are made. Click here to view and bookmark a list of vital resources at the national and state level. Knowledge is power!

Blank Katie Beckett Application

View Webinar
Webinar Link Will Provide You With The Handouts & Includes A Sample Application
Sample 508 Form for Renewals
508 Form For Renewals
Knowledge is Power!